Sail your ship cross the oceans in search for amazing treasures in order to become the new master of the seas. Nobody knows what is waiting out there, but does it matter? Are you ready to travel from island to island with your crews trying to defeat any one stand on your way? The fantastic journey awaits you. You decide!
Choose your crews wisely, equip the strongest items and use your unique skills effectively: those are the keys leading you to final victory.
- Hundreds of battles
- Tons of quests
- Epic boss fights
- Dozens of excellent items
- Mission every 10 minutes
- 3 sides (pirate, undead and marine) with different crews, weapons and skills
- Both SD & HD are supported
Fan page:
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">你的船航行越过海洋寻找惊人的宝藏,为了成为新的主的海洋。没有人知道等待在那里,但有什么关系?你准备好前往各岛,船员试图用自己的方式击败任何一个立场?奇幻之旅等着你。你决定!
- 身经百战
- 任务吨
- 史诗老板打架
- 数十名优秀项目
- 任务每10分钟
- 3侧(海盗,亡灵和海洋)与不同的人员,武器和技能
- 支持SD和HD
粉丝专页:</div> <div class="show-more-end">